Summer 2024 now on sale
Check Availability with MagicBreaks
0122 378 0330Entry to both Disney® Parks
Deposits from £35pp
Extra Magic Time
When you book a stay at a Disney® Hotel so much is included! You'll receive entry to both Disney® Parks for the duration of your stay, FREE hotel parking and a complimentary shuttle bus between your hotel and the Disney® Parks.* The Magic doesn't stop there! Book a stay at one of the magical Disney® Hotels and benefit from Extra Magic Time, meaning you can spend longer in the Disney® Parks than regular visitors. You can also enhance your experience at Disneyland® Paris by pre-booking your Magical Extras, including Disney Meal Plans, where you can make savings of up to 35% on the prices you pay in resort! Experience the magic of Summer 2024 and start planning your next unforgettable holiday!

+Please note that prices are based on 2 adults and 2 children, subject to availability.
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